Embedded answers (Cloze)

This very flexible question type is similar to a popular format known as the Cloze format.

Questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various sub-questions embedded within it, including

  • short answers (SHORTANSWER or SA or MW),
  • numerical answers (NUMERICAL or NM),
  • multiple choice (MULTICHOICE or MC), represented as a dropdown menu in-line in the text
  • multiple choice (MULTICHOICE_V or MCV), represented a vertical column of radio buttons, or
  • multiple choice (MULTICHOICE_H or MCH), represented as a horizontal row of radio-buttons.

There is currently no graphical interface to create these questions - you need to specify the question format using the text box or by importing them from external files.

Here is an example of the input text used to specify such a question:

This example will appear to students as follows:

Question 1
Marks: --/12.00

Good luck!

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